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Transition Companion Reading Group: 7 Nov

Please feel free to join The Transition Companion Reading Group 7 Nov 7pm Carlton Library, or for more information contact Sally

Session #5: pages 179-233 (Tools for Transition 9-17)

Main questions:

After reading pp 182-182 evaluate your current levels of resilience.

How can you strengthen your resilience?
How can conflict weaken or strengthen the resilience of a group?

What could a Transition School or other educational organisation do? Are there any like this in Yarra?
Pick a couple of the following topics in relation to Transition and discuss their importance, and how they are relevant in Yarra, or for you personally:
Speaking in publicAdditional and extended questions to think about as you read if you want:
Tools for Transition No. 9: Supporting each other
1.Why can support be helpful?
2.Find yourself a mentor, paid or unpaid, who can help you achieve your goals. Agree to meet monthly. Have you first mentoring session and report on it.
11.Personal resilience
1.Review your journal after reading pp 182-182. Evaluate your current levels of resilience in terms of the dot points. How resilient are you currently? How can you strengthen your resilience?
Tools for Transition No. 10: Unleashings
1.When is the best time to hold an unleashing?
2.How should it feel? p 187
3.What should it balance? p 187
Tools for Transition No. 11: Healthy Conflict
1.Summarise the 3 stages of conflict.
12.Education for Transition
1.How does Rob Hopkins perceive that educators are currently neglecting their duty? p 192
2.Summarise what a Transition School could do. p 193
3.What might a Transition University do? p 195
4.How does Transition Education University characterise itself? p 196


1.Forming Networks of Transition Initiatives
1.What does Transition London do? pp 198 – 199
2.Where was the first regional gathering in the US? p 200
Tools for Transition No. 12: Street-by-street behaviour change
1.Explain the Transition Streets model. p 201
2.Involving the council
1.List the 6 most helpful suggestions for establishing a positive relationship with council. Say why they’re helpful to you.
Tools for Transition No. 13: Becoming the media
1.List 8 media tools which you could use. p 209
2.Read transitionnorwich.blogspot and review a blog. Max 1 page
3.Working with local business
1.Explain how Transition Chepstowe engaged local business. p 215
Tools for Transition No. 14: Energy Resilience Assessment
1.What does an Energy Resilience Assessment do? p 217
4.Oral histories
1.What is the value of oral history in a transition context?
2.List 4 suggestions for exploring local history in your area.
Tools for Transition No.15: Community Brainstorming Tools
1.What are the 4 guidelines for Open Space Technology? p 220
2.How does World Café differ from Open Space Technology? p 220
5.Engaging young people
1.Why are young people central to Transition? p 223
2.Summarise Joanne Porouyow’s approach to involving young people. p 224
3.Research the legal requirements for working with young people in Australia.

Tools for Transition No. 16: Meaningful maps
1.Why is mapping useful in Transition? p 226
2.Summarise what Transition Port Phillip has done using maps. p 227
6.The role of storytelling
1.How does Shaun Chamberlin characterise the Transition story? p 229
2.Brainstorm as many ways to publish stories as you can think of.
3.Interview a local. Find out the story of how/when/why they moved into the area and the story of their daily life and loves in the area.
Tools for Transition No. 17: Speaking up for Transition
1.What does Transition mean to you? Report to the group. You have 1 minute.
2.Interview a local public figure and repeat the exercise. Use direct quotes only with permission.
7.Pausing for reflection
1.Write 2 pages in your journal reflecting on the impact your reading on transition is having on you. Involve your mentor and/or others if you wish.

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Wind power: South Australia

South Australia is the state that has benefited most from the Renewable Energy Target, getting 25% of their power from wind. Last week their electricity prices dropped by 8%. Vote in the People’s RET Review to drop power prices in all states!

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Help coordinate range of online & other options for TY?

hi team TY. I’ve attended some incredible workshops this week. One at Ceres, where we heard 2 dynamic workers Peta Christensen Cultivating Community and Mark Daniels, Social Traders. The other was last night at a Changemakers meet, where a number of groups were brought together, School of Social Entrepreneurs, Green Steps, RMIT Seeds, & CSL. Projects for social good were discussed and a wonderful opportunity for networking. This made me think that so much is already happening in the Yarra area specially, but we could better organize the information towards positive change. If you are interested in working together on this, to explore & coordinate range of online & other communication options, please leave a comment. K